Feeling: dead
What a crazy party last night. It was a house party so it was Awesome. House parties are always so much better than whack- ass clubs. V & i were helping out at the bar, serving beer, so we were making all this tip. We made over 80$ each, which is amazing for me because these days i don't have one penny to my name. All i wanna buy though is leggings lol. No, i'll wait a while for spring to spring along. But it actually feels like it is. It's like 2-3 degrees these days and at this time of year, it has to be a record. This is the kind of weather we normally get in end march- beginning april. In any case, i hadn't gotten that wasted in a long ass time. The mixed drinks they served had alcool in them. Which is extremely strong and tastes like nothing. So after 2 glasses we were already drunk. And we had aLot of glasses. I don't even remember most of the night. I didn't get sick at least. Ls ex, i'll name him XL, called V during the night and she invited him over, with his friend, my ex-fling, ummm, Tiny i'll call him, anyways he pretty much ignored me and flirted with V the whole time, and also he asked me about L, plus i found out he's been calling her. Anyways i was super duper cool. I was smiling, being really polite and charming to everyone around me (it's so easy when you're drunk), and i could feel him looking at me. I know he wants to make me jealous or something so i really have to prove that i'm perfectly happy and comfortable with everything in my life. Whatever i just wish i had known he was gonna be there i would've looked much hotter. Other than that the night was fucking fun. There was a room that they filled up with balloons and we were walking through them, all drunk, the DJ was amazing, i was dancing like crazy, and it ended at around 6. I was so dead, i just went in the bedroom and fell asleep for a bit until we got kicked out. And then we went to breakfast, and i got home and slept.
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Yeah, Dead Like Me = awesome!