WOW long time!!

wow!! i havent been on this site in forever! prob cuz it reminded me of all the crap last year.. well i decided to post this survey i got from katt that seemed fun to take actually im just bored... have you ever.. (x) smoked a cigarette ( ) smoked a cigar (x ) smoked anything else (x) kiss a member of the same sex ( ) crashed a friend's car ( ) stolen a car (x) been in love (x) been dumped.. not really? (x ) shoplifted ( ) been fired ( ) been in a fist fight (x)snuck out of parent's house (x) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back ( ) been arrested (x) made out with a stranger ( ) gone on a blind date (x) lied to a friend (x ) had a crush on a teacher (x) skipped school ( ) slept with a co-worker ( ) seen someone die ( ) had/have a crush on one of your MYSPACE/LJ friends ( ) been to Canada (x ) been to Mexico (x) been on a plane ( ) thrown up in a bar.. () purposely set a part of yourself on fire (x) eaten Sushi (x) been snowboarding ( ) met someone BECAUSE of myspace/LJ ( ) been moshing at a concert ( ) been in an abusive relationship ( ) taken painkillers (x) love someone right now (x) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by (x) made a snow angel (x) had a tea party (x) flown a kite (x) built a sand castle (x) gone puddle jumping (x) played dress up (x) jumped into a pile of leaves (x) gone sledding (x) cheated while playing a game (x) been lonely (x) fallen asleep at work/school (x) used a fake ID (x) watched the sun set ( ) felt an earthquake (x ) touched a snake (x) been tickled (x) been robbed ( ) robbed someone (x) been misunderstood (x ) pet a reindeer/goat (x) won a contest (x) ran a red light ( ) been suspended from school (x) had detention (x ) been in a car accident (x ) had braces (x) eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night (x) had deja vu (x)danced in the moonlight (x) hated the way you look ( ) witnessed a crime (x) questioned your heart (x ) been obsessed with post-it notes (x) squished barefoot through the mud (x) been lost (?) been to the opposite side of the country (x) swam in the ocean (x) felt like dying (x) cried yourself to sleep (x) played cops and robbers (x) recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers (x) sung karaoke ( ) paid for a gas with only coins (x) done something you told yourself you wouldn't (x) made prank phone calls (x) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose (x) caught a snowflake on your tongue (x ) kissed in the rain (x) written a letter to Santa Claus ( ) been kissed under a mistletoe ( ) watched the sun set with someone you care about (x) blown bubbles ( ) made a bonfire on the beach (x) crashed a party ( ) have traveled more than 5 days with a car full of people (x) gone rollerskating/blading (x) had a wish come true (x ) worn pearls ( ) jumped off a bridge (x) screamed "penis" (x ) ate dog food (x) told a complete stranger you loved them (x) sang in the shower (x) have a little black dress (x..not exactly FUKED ) fucked in a park (x ) fucked in the bathoom (x) had a dream that you married someone (x) glued your hand to something ( ) got your tongue stuck to a pole ( ) kissed a fish (x) worn the opposite sexes clothes (x) been a cheerleader (x) sat on a roof top ( ) had sex at a church (x) screamed at the top of your lungs (x ) done a one-handed cartwheel (x) talked on the phone for more than 6 hours (x) stayed up all night ( ) didn't take a shower for a week (x) pick an ate an apple right off the tree (x) climbed a tree ( ) had a tree house (x!) are scared to watch scary movies alone (x) believe in ghosts ( ) have more then 30 pairs of shoes (x) worn a really ugly outfit to school (x) gone streaking (x) played ding-dong-ditch (x) played chicken fight (x) been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on (x) been told you're hot by a complete stranger (x) broken a bone (x) been easily amused (x ) caught a fish then ate it ( ) made porn (x) caught a butterfly (x) laughed so hard you cried (x) cried so hard you laughed (x) mooned/flashed someone (x) had someone moon/flash you (x) cheated on a test (x) forgotten someone's name (x) slept naked ( ) French braided someones hair (x) gone skinny dippin in a river (x) been kicked out of your house well that was fun?... hmm lol k im gonna go peace!
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long time... :]

helloooo.... WOW! i havent written in a very long time! hmm.. my b-day was the 16th.. yay 14 haha it feels like im older cuz i look older n i say im older sometimes so it feels that i should be turnin like 18 by now. Ha! went to club soda for my b-day.. it was fun but the week before was amazing! ha another tommy.. but it was fun cuz all my friends were with me n we all slept at my house.. i made poms again! yay 2nd year.. i was scared this year but yay i made it :] good job to everyone who tried out! even one did amazing! halloweens this sun.. we got to wear out costumes to school today. very much fun. were fairys haha its cute.. i was soo glitery! tomorrow were gonna go for brunch i think and then sun i dno.. grace n i wanna go to a party tomorrow*sat* and have a lot fun! this week was hard. there givin us finals now.. i didnt study for a lot of them but on my science one i got a 92% which is amazing for me cuz i failed all the quizes lol.. yay hmm im tryin to think of wat else has happened... ooh.. investigatin.. yeaa u have no idea wat im talkin about * long story with myself ha* umm..annoience.. boring things... ooo at club soda one nite i met this guy named tommy who looked like the other tommy n chris put together which was very weird and we danced the WHOLE nite and made out n stuff and he was a really good dancer and wow was it hot and then the next time i went there was this secertary guy there named mike who was 16 and i said i was 15 lol *shh* lol but he like kept on askin my friends to hook me up with him and like hes really hot and all byt he textes me so much its kind of strange in a sweet way and the same nite i met this other guy who worked there named vinny hahah funny name i think but way way way HOT and i didnt really talk to him but he asked for my number and i didnt really think he was going to call but he did.. weird yea i kno and like we talked and he was totally different then i thought he would be ya kno but yeaa some of the things he said to me were kind of strange to in a cute way i guess hah! im all talk.. c.p. i always almost get into a fite with girls. haha girls are bitchy.. all of them are jealous of eachother ya kno so they all hate eachother from the start im guilty of doing it too though.. election day... tues.. VOTE KERRY!!!! got to go nice writtin again.. COMMENT ME! -gordon
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HAVE YOU EVER... 1. Kissed your cousin: eww no! 2. Ran away: tried but not really 3. Pictured your crush naked: hell yeaa 4. Actually seen your crush naked: naw 5. Broken someone's heart: yea 6. Been in love: loves a strong word 7. Cried when someone died: yea.. 8. Wanted someone you know you couldn't have: yea.. sadly happenes a lot. 9. Broken a bone: yea 10. Drank alchohol: hmm.. yeaa lol 11. Lied: yea, sadly im good at it 12. Cried in school: when i was younger WHICH IS BETTER: 13. Coke or pepsi: coke 14. Sprite or 7up: sprite 15. Girls or guys: Guys! 16. Flowers or candy: candy 17. Scruff or clean shaven: both 18. Quiet or loud: loud 19. Blondes or brunettes: brunetts 20. Bitchy or slutty: lol both 21. Tall or short: tall for guyz 22. Pants or shorts: pants WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX: 23. What do you notice first: eyes n hair 24. Last person you slow danced with: dont remember 25. Worst thing they could do: hurt me THE LAST TIME: 26. Showered: today :] 27. Had sex: not yet 28. Had a great time with the opposite sex: sunday! ahh soo hot! :] WHAT IS: 29. Your good luck charm?:not sure? 30. The person you hate the most?: hates a strong word but i dislike some people! 31. The best thing that has happened to you today?: took a nap! FAVORITES: 32. Color: pink or purple 33. Movie: tonz of them! 34. Book: my bloody life.. wow good book 35. Subject in school: lunch! 36. Juice: orange 37. Cars: lamberginie.. i love the doors! 38. Ice cream: rokcy road! 39. Holiday: hunukah 40. Season: fall! 41. Breakfast food: bagle 42. Place to go with your honey: anywhere WHO: 43. Makes you laugh the most?:sherry n sam 44. Makes you smile?: all my friends 45. Gives you a funny feeling when you see them?: hmm.. 46. Has a crush on you?: dunno 47. Do you have a crush on?: umm..? 48. Can make you feel better no matter what?: family, sam,n kat 49. Has it easier, guys or girls?: Guys DO YOU EVER: 50. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night?: lol yea sometimes 51. Save aim conversations?: all the time 52. Save e-mails?: sometimes 53. Wish you were someone else?: naww 54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: nope i wouldnt want a penis! 55. Cry because of someone's mean words?: yea BEST: 56. Cologne: ax!!! 57. Perfume: romance 58. Kiss: tommy or adam 59. Romantic memory: my house with adam.. more HOT then romantic 60. Most recent advice given to you: watch what you do HAVE YOU: 61. Fallen for your best friend?: guyz bestfriend.. long time ago 62. Made out w/ JUST a friend?: yea 63. Been rejected?: yea 64. Been in love?: such a strong word 65. Been in lust?: yea! 66. Used someone?: try not to : 67. Been used?: yeaa.. thanx a lot.. 69. Been cheated on?: close to it. 70. Been kissed?: yeaa :] 71. Done something you regret?: yea.. a lot grr WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON: 72. You touched?: dad 73: You talked to: mom 74. You hugged?: cant remember 75. You instant messaged?: sam 76. You kissed?: tommy 77. You had sex with?: not yet 78. You yelled at?: dont remember 79. You laughed with?: my sis 80. Who broke your heart?: guyz... 81. Who told you they loved you?: my family DO YOU: 82. Color your hair?:yea 83. Have tattoos?: nope 84. Have piercings?: yea 85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?: nopee
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hello.. just got back from dance n im really tired. so the weekend... friday we all went to citypark. hung around there n kind of got in a fite with these 2 girls. i felt bad but they started. thoughh :] cp was a lot fun though! ha love u everyone i was with! then the next day was roshanna or how ever u spell it. we had like 16 family people come over and like have holiday dinner. it was okay i guess. imnot really close wiht my moms side of the family.. there kind of strange but i hung around wiht my sis n bros n played with my lil 7 year old cuz whose real cute :] my bubbes scares him though haha okay so later that nite at like kat sam shery grace n cichy were like outside my house at like 12:30 cuz they had no where to go so i gave them hoodies n food n stuff and then when i was sitin with them all of a sudden my phone rings n it was tommy!! i kno shockin! lol let me explain.. i met tommy at a party and when i was really wasted we did stuf then i saw him at cp later on and we did stuff again and like a week or 2 ago i gave him my number but i didnt think he would call, well he did weird i kno! so the next day i told my parents i had a project and had to be droped off at target ( tommy lives like by there) and so they droped me off there and i went to tommys. first i was thinkin how dumb can i be to go there by myself not really knowin him but then i thought i would regret this for like ever if i didnt go so i took a chance and went. soo yea we did stuff of course lol and it was sooo HOT! lol wow hes hot!! then i left cuz he had to go to this work thing.. he's a lifegaurd.. nice i kno lol and so then i met sam at diders which is like a 1 hour walk from where i was and then we went to the pettin zoo and saw a cow llama sheep chicken pig n pony! lol it was fun.. sheep kissed me on the cheek and then bite me! haha then we got apple daughters which are amazin and then we went home :] fun fun fun fun day! wowerz!! so now im here, on monday, tired cuz i just got home from dance. i have some homework n i really dont feel like doing it. im so sick of school. i deread gettin up and going. blahh.. well anyways i deal with it then in kno time high school baby! ahhh cant cant cant wait!! haha okay im gonna go love you all!!! -VOTE KERRY!- gordon
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ahh immature!!!!!!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! boys.. boys... boys... ahhhhhhhh soooo fyckin immature i cant take it anymoreeeee!!!!!!!!!! soooo sooo soo annoyin.. so immature.. so like gay!!! ah ah ah.. okay yeaa hey guyz why do i go for older guyz.. hmm.. cuz u guyz are immature assholes!! i cant stand them im going nutz!! the WHOLE year EVERY class im stuck with the 3 MOST immature guyz ever!!!! i really cant stand it. they try in impress eachother which makes them look gay and then they turn me.. sorry guyz im soo sick of u im gonna be a bitch now!! like common the guyz are actin like there 16 ( well most of them) and the guyz are still at age 9. grrrrrrrrrrrrr rarrrrrrrr blahhhhhhhhhhhhh.. okay guyz seriuosly "GROW UP!!!" im not gonna be able to stand u guyz for a WHOLE year!!!!!! okay sorry had to get that off my chest.. does anyone else feel this.. seriously i think these guyz are gay! im feelin fat. like i feel that im losin my shape. i need to exercise. im sooo damn lazy. but schools like soo overwhelming ya kno. im like stressed out and always tired. i like fall asleep every day after school. my b-day.. oct. 16tth! cant fuckin wait!!!! ;]!!!! ahhhh lol guilt. fakness. drama. hmm. dance! monday n wed.!! soo much fyckin funn!!!! horray! all i want is to have fun. okay im going.. love ya all :] -gordon
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wat does that mean? twitterpater? haha cool word.. okay soo it turns out that kat n my friends are totally fake bitches who think that they follow us? and dont wanna be as close or something.. yea okay fuck you :] kat and i have sooo much more funn then we did when we were with them! and were becomin closer with amanda n cait! love those girls!! i love u sam n grace n tovaa 2!!! u girlys rock!! cant wait for highschool!! true friends baby!!! tomorrow.. hmmm its gonna be real loud at my school.. figthin baby!!! see kat n i kept all the shit they did to us inside.. we didnt get mad.. we didnt say anything.. we pretty much just dont get mad and then these lil bithces start sayin all this fuckin shit! and its time to say wats on our mind and now its not wats on our mind rite now its wats been on our mind this whole time soo gett ready bitches its time to yell! this isnt a fite.. this is bullshit! this better not be like last year. fuck it. how is everyone else doing?! good friend? hmm is that possible a girls smile is never true.. isnt that soo true if u think about it.. i read that in a book somewhere.. intresting.. okay im gona go love ya all.. well most of u ;} -gordon
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happy halloween!/ weekend

hellooo... :] -can a person change even though the like wat they do?- soo friday, kat n i were afaird it wasnt gonna be fun cuz it was just the 2 of us going to cp ( a place where like a lot of people go) and stuff and none of our friends like us and wanna hang out with us but thats okay so we went and it turned out to be soooooo fyckin funn.. we saw sooo many people and kat n i were sooo hyper so we ment sooo many other people!! some who were extreamly HOT! i saw tommy.. ;] lol ahh so hot he was drunk or something though it was funny, he has my number now though! lol it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much funn realy!! it was weird it can just be kat n i and we can have sooo much more fun then if it was me her + everyone else! were meetin new people :] then we got picked up and went to the drive-through of wendys and then slept at kats. then in the morn/afternoon we hung out n stuff and then i went home n changed n washed up and then went back to her house and then later we walked to wendys *yes again lol* and then we walked by eskape and saw all these really annoyin 7th graders and then we went home and now im on the phone with adam :] wat a sweetiepie lol. ahhhhh halloween is gonna kick ass!! we have such a cutee costume!! were gonna be like fairy things or w.e lol were havin a tutu.. wings... crown thingys.. wonds.. and tons and tons of gilter!! its gonna be sooo cuteee :] lol * ahh just the 5.. haha kat* i cant wait.. it sucks though.. halloweens on a sun.. someone needs to through a party on fri or sat!!! that would kick ass! i've been thinking of somethings.. i dnoo upsetin kind of :.. dont like really thinkin about other peoples thoughts. weird huh. got to go love you all! -gordon
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with katt!

hellooo... its friday n kat and i are at my house thinkin wat we can do. we have no friends. atleast barely none of them that like us. how nice. we can tell.. but ooo well. we'll find something.. hell yea!! horray!!! okay were gonna go love ya all!!! - gordon
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pop-upz.. rarrr!

helloooooo... pop-ups are really annoyin! rarrr u pop-ups. it takes like forever to get on this site cuz there keep on popping up!! grrr my knee hurts. : i fell. guyz are guy. wait forget that. all guyz in my grade are gay.. hmm much better.. seriously they did to grow up and like act there age. todays holiday.. i think russia suna or how ever u spell it. i need to learn more about my backround.. i think i mite change the background. a different color maybe, change? schools alrite i guess.. lots more homework n very overworked but its kind of going by quick. cant wait for winterbreak!! cruise to jamacia!!! woo hoo. my thoart hurts. i wanna have fun. really. any ideas? alrite im gonna go.. love ya all! - gordon
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heros in our hearts.

For your courage, for your hope, for your stength, for your love, for your dreams, the victiums of September 11th, we will always remember you. September 11th was one of the saddiest days in America. Innocent people had their lives taken away for NO reason at all. Heros became everday people. Many lost their lives while saving others. It was the saddiest day in America but we became a family, we truly became United. For the victiums- I pray for the vicitums to be at peace. Be in the best place they could be in and always be held in G-Ds arms. I pray that they know that they will never be forgotten and always remembered as heros for our country. I pray that their souls are at rest and they are happy. I pray that there dreams will still come true in heaven. I pray that they are not hurting anymore. For their families- It wasnt fair what happened to your loved ones. They were all good, innocent people that loved you and their country. Your loved ones died as heros for our country. They will be remember and missed forever. I hope that your pain is gone and you dont suffer. I pray for your happiness and for your souls to also be at rest. Your loved ones really NEVER be forgotten. To the fireman, policeman, secerty, and just every day kind of people- Thank you. Thank you for risking your lives for other people to live. When you arrived at the sites in New York and Washington D.C., you had no idea what you were getting youselves into but that didnt matter.You went back in and out of those buildings savin the lives of others. Thank you, thank you sooo much. GODBLESS ALL OF THE VICTIUMS, GODBLESS ALL OF THEIR FAMILES, GODBLESS THE HEROS, AND GODBLESS AMERICA.
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heyy.. glaahber.. new word.. its like a bunch of things put together.. kind of like a mood u can say. the gla is like a group of things kind of good cuz like gla kind of sounds like glad? and then theres the ah in the word which is like the ahh part of wat ur feelin and then theres the ber, i just like that :]sooo okay.. this weekend.. b.g days- fri nite sucked..blaah not funn at all.. sat nite was awesome!!!! ahhhh!! we found like this teen thing where ever one was like grindin n stuff it was a lot of fun. i saw tommy again ;] ahh so hot. then sun nite not soo funn.. everyone left me n kat :[ its always me n kat n everyone leavin us.. no one likes us :[. but at first we were with gracee n julia! yay i love them all! then we meant this guyz erin and other people.. funnnny people lol sherry ur soooo gonna hook up with him! then everyone left n somehow kat and i went with anna and her HOT HOT boyfriend byt they were stoned and it was sooo funny! then it was like 1 1/2 past crewphew and it was just me and kat again stuck but then my dad came and gotus :] he didnt care he was just glad we were smart enough to call him. then today i didnt really do that much and here i am now. i have some homework to do. i dont feel like doin it. thats alrite. im kind of bored. somethings missin. hmm.. i need a guy this is gonna sound sluty but i need to make out. i think im hooked on it. hmm oo well sorry if that sounds sluty but who cares this is my diary. yeaa biatch okay im done. gonna go i thinkk byebye ooo!!! before i go.. i lost a tooth today!!! my teeth are sooooo hard!! they dont came out and today one came out!!! my other one is already growin in and im like teethin haha i feel like a dog im gonna go bite someone ;} hahahah okay byebye. -gordon <3
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b.g dayz/ other thingsz

heyyy... my current mood.. i feel weird like i dont kno how i feel.. and its like i dnoo i cant explain it i like cant explain how i feel.. i dont even know how i feel? : its like a bunch of things but i dont kno wat the bunch of things are.. does anyone get wat i mean. its so weird. ugh. soo anyways.. yesterday was b.g days.. i thought it was going to be soooooo much funn but it wasnt at all.. i dnooo maybe cuz i had high expations on it or wat but it just wasnt wat i thought it would be. ughh i kept on runnin into people i didnt want to see. i saw like 5 people i made out with and half of them it was soo weird and like i didnt want to seee!!! ahhhh and then i saw these really weird guyz we meant and i saw these 2 girls i hate! grrr i went on like 3 rides n thats it. it was okay like a lil part of it but the other part sucked. i kind of got annoyed with some people last nite byt i dont wanna get into it. well rite now im on the phone with kitty and were talkin about wat were going tonite.. we dnoo yet lol.. people are gay. i dont like some of them. sorry random thought. ughh i dont know. no fun anymore here.. i dont really have fun. i really want a true boyfriend. someone who will actually hold me.
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hellooo :) my classes got switched!! yay like i have all the same teachers and im still with the same kids every single day but now im with some people im friends with! yay :)!! i cant wait for shs next year though!! lol oyy i went to the ortho today and i still have 9 baby teeth! lol.. they wont come out!! oo and my 12 year old moler thingy is just comin in now im like almost 14!! butt oyy im gonna have to have braces for 2 years that means highschool 2 years!!! but i think i mite get the invisiline so lets hope :) -OKAY HONESTLY.. GIRLS N GUYZ ANSWER THIS, DOES IT MAKE A PERSON LOOK REALLY BAD AND YOUNGER OR WAT?? PLEASE COMMENT ME AND TELL ME :)- i dont really kno wat to write but i felt like updating. love you all!! -gordon
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hellooo... well my mom and i made up :) hehe i felt really bad yesterday so i wrote her a long letter. When i was younger and talked back sicne she was becomin a teacher she would make me write out i will not talk back like 5o times so yesterday front and back i wrote i will respect my mom. lol were cool now, im glad :). oyyy school starts tomorrow. its weird it seems like summer just started and since i have pretty much all the same teachers as last year :( its like a repeat. but im gonna make it fun well i'll try. its just a small part of my life, no biggy. its weird though, sams not gonna be there cuz shes going to DW and it hasnt really hit me until rite now when she imed me and said i wanna be in school with my friends and i just got really sad. im really gonna miss her sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. like no one has any idea!! me and her got soooooooooooooo close over the summer!! like we can just look at eachother and no wat the other person is thinking and shes always there for me and i will always be there for her but she lives close to me so im gonna make sure we dont split apart and we stay bestfriends!!!!! but i really am gonna miss you. -letter to sam. SAM!! i really am gonna miss you so much. like i didnt realize it before but just thinking about it im gettin tears in my eyes. its going to be soo weird with out you. we always have sooo much fun together. dont worry im gonna make sure we stay soooo close and we'll always have are eye contact thing. i love you sooooooo much and i hope u have tonz of fun at DW. love always, gordon. well im gonna go.. try to fall asleep. lol love you all!! -gordon
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UGH AHHH GRRR BLAHH!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

Listening to: my head pounding.
Feeling: horrible
:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'(:( >:o :'( ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11mn fjkshfkjshjkshjksfhjks shfjkdsfs im soooooooooooooooooooooooo mad and soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo like ughhhhhhhhhhhhh rite now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kaJSHRuikahdjksahdjksahdjksahdjksa ahhhhhhh!Qhj!GFKLN, [edit] okay.. well as u can see i didnt really feel like writing about why i was soooo gdshfljdsfjdl but im kind of in the mood to now. well my mom and i got into this HUGEEEE fite and it started cuz i needed her to take me somewhere and like she wouldnt but we werent fightin bout that cuz that would be kind of weird but it like started things and she was like bringing up things like wat i did soo wrong to her and we were like screaming at eachother and it turned out we both started crying and like we really both got worked up like i said soo much stupid shit and so did she and like i just couldnt stand bein in the house so i ran outside and she comes to the door and goes u walk anymore and im callin the cops and she was sooo pissed that i knew she really would so i stayed outside like crying while she was inside cryin and then i heard like things in the bushes so i went in byt it was like a hugeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fite and i was soooooo worked up about it and it sucked ass sooooooooo much cuz tonites the last nite i could have gone out before school starts cuz it starts monday : and i stayed in fighting wiht my mom!! and then my dad came over and i was like snapping at him and stuff but then he like calmed me down like when my mom went to sleep and we like talked for like an hour lol like my dad is a really good dad and hes like my bestfriend ya kno.. my mom though 2 is a really really good mom but shes more strick then my dad so like i dont tell her as much but my mom and i were like gettin closer cuz we used to fite all the time and then we both get into our moods and just got into this HUGE fite and i feel really bad now cuz i said sooooooo much mean shit to her and it wasnt good.. but yea my dad calmed me down and stuff but i still have like a poundin head ache. :( but i feel n my mom sayz im grounded for 3 weeks and i really hope shes NOT serious but i really do feel bad for what i said and i just really hate fiting like especally with family i dno im weird about that so im gonna write her like a note.. were big on notes lol but im gonna go now.. i'll update later and write about fri :) lol fun nitee. love you all -gordon
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bunch of things..

Listening to: t.v in the backround
Feeling: confused
hellooo... okay i kno this is gonna sound soo weird and soooo dumb but like i knew i updated and then i went and checked and it had my old entry the "ahhh" one so then i figured that i guess i didnt update but now im sure i did and im so confused cuz it saved and now its gone :0. isnt that really weird!??! okay yeaa i kno that i sound realyl dumb rite now but im really confused lol. sunday- lexiis party was sooooooooooooo much fycking funn!! i love you lexii!!! we went swimming and are stupid guyz like kept on leavin and stuff but then we went back to her house and everyone was there! it was a lot of fun!!!! mitch kat and i had a talk about like friendz n stuff it was funn:) and then we all hung around and stuff!! it was a lot of funn!! then afterwards a bunch of us slept at lexiis and it was SOOOOOOOOOO much funn!!!! lol we all shared lovely stories ;) hahaha it was sooo-> much funN!!! :) hehe yay lexii i hope u had an awesome time and i love u sooooo much!!!! monday- cichy sherry emily and i went back to emilys just to get something and we ended up stayin there and we were outside on the tramp. and we were seein if we could swing from those willow trees and sherry grabs on from the top and went to go swing and the whole branch came off!!! it was sooooo fyckinfunny there was a huge hole in the tree!!!! hahahaha ahh i love you sherry. then i walked over to kats house and we both walked to my house which is like 1 hour away!!!!!! ahhh it took so long and when we got to the walgreens part and we really didnt want to walk that so we looked and looked for a ride from someone and couldnt find any young ppl and hten we were startin to walk and we found someone!! yay :) hehe then we got back to my house and i showered and did my hair and then we walked to stephs and got lost wlakin there but it ended up gettin us there faster.. dont ask lol. then at stephs cichy was there 2:)then we were all like really hyper so we walked around stephs neighorhood with like are shirts all the way up like in are bras and are shorts/shirts rolled up to see our butts and are thongs like hangin out! hahaha we were in a sluty mood!! hahahaha then steph took off her pants and was runnin around in her thong and then we all did!! hahaha omfg before out pants were totally off we were walkin and all of a sudden we see jeremy badski phill matt josh and derryk in a car!! hahahaha and then later they all came over at like 2:30 in the morn and left at like 4ish and then we watched a lil bit of home alone 3 and fell asleep. oo yeaa before all those guyz came over zack keegan and shawn came over.. sorry i just remembered lol. okay then watched home alone 3 again and then zack keegan shawn n gorsky came over and then they left and we watched a guy thing and then everyone left lol. okay well i was thinking about school and the comment i got from someone and she was right. i can go through the whole school year regreting every day and hatin it or just deal with it and make it fun. its just a short period of my life so its not really abig deal. i'll make it as fun as a can. i really cant wait for highschool thought!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) heheheh i really am gettin sick of the guyz in my grade.. there just assholes soooooo much and soooooo immature and it drives me nutz!! i hate it and now im gonna have to deal with it for another whole year with out any older guyz :( lol.. okay well i got to go read my book for school lol i have like 120 pages left! haha okay love you all!! -gordon
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