buying for baby

Word of the Day: gamut
I'm watching Pompeii: The Last Day. It's mesmerizing. This show is freakin awesome. I can only type during commercials. I still can't believe I actually went there, saw all that, looked upon the mighty and destructive Vesuvias myself. I made out a list of things we still need to get for Baby, roughly following the buying guide in What to Expect the First Year and adjusting for what we're going to use and what we can wait for. List: onesies [you almost can't have enough] feeted onesies nightgowns sweaters hats [However, for clothing, I think we might wait till we find out if Baby is a boy or a girl to buy more. Victoria's not a big town; it's not like JD can't go to the store and buy things while we're still at the hospital.] extra fitted sheets blankets, all kinds bath towels, those ones with the hoods diapers baby oil diaper rash stuff wipes baby Tylenol rubbing alcohol Band-Aids breast pump nursing pads changing pad [another] dresser diaper pail [?] baby bath/tub badass travel system baby carrier [oh, what I wouldn't do for a BabyBjorn] So, there it is. My paycheck that I got yesterday was five hundred dollars. All that stress and annoyance earned me an extra hundred or so dollars. I guess, in the end, it was an acceptable trade off. But I don't think I'm going to be doing that often. Once was all right, but I don't think I can do that again before Baby's born. Most of our financial troubles are alleviated for the moment, so we've got some room. Which relieves a lot of weight off of both our minds. Now the only thing we're stressing out about is our dissatisfaction with our respective employers. I'm pretty sure by the end of the year we're both going to have different jobs. Thinking about that, I'm kind of excited. job. Other things I'm looking forward to:
size eight normal hormones sleeping on my stomach birthday twenty-one JD's birthday twenty anniversary one moving out [though that might be a while yet]
Change is good. For the most part.
Read 8 comments
Hi Ash! Is that a picture of the Pompeian ruins with Vesuvius in the background? It's funny to hear you goin on & on bout the baby & the baby clothes & the baby wipes, etc., cause I think of how many millions of other mothers-to-be have gone through the exact same concerns & preperations & such since time immemorial. You're in the midst of such a characteristic pregnant human female moment. My Mom says by child 3 you no longer get so excited!
Ash is your diaper bag returnable? Or do you really like it? :) Love kate
Isn't it funny that I can look at that picture and know right where I am in the city? It's all so wonderfully burned into the memory. And what's
this about a 21st birthday coming up? We'll have to find you some cider...

have you had a baby shower yet? i should give you one! - gabby
i'm glad that you guys are feeling less stressed about money. and new jobs are exciting :)

reading your list of stuff to buy makes me so excited for you. i love baby stuff. do you have a babies r us there? it's seriously the cutest store ever. i'm sure i'll spend huge amounts of money there when we have kids :)
don't forgot a good old snack like grapes!

I can only imagine how you are feeling. So much excitement, so much anxiousness... this is so awesome.