hear the angel's voices.

A part of me wants to hold on to the season that just passed. I want to stay that little girl with twists and turns full of laughter, wonder, and love. Pure and innocent love consumed me and him. IT feels like he is almost dead to me. It's all gone. I long to go back to that day when he'd run to me. We'd grab hands and walk side by side. IT's all over now. A part of me knows I must emrace this new seaons in my life. His nose fits perfect to mine. I cried and he called me sweet heart as he pulled me closer to him. The feeling was so peaceful. What am I to do? I would hold on to that other boy if I could. I don't want to let it go. It's apart of me. I feel like I'm splitting into two. more like three! You have a different voice, but you will be heart. Oh little one you have so much to give and your time will come. but it will be heard. the music of your heart, the voice that will echo through time. To love is to see the face of God.
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