I'm actually writting about my life?

Well in an odd turn of events i'll be using the journal for it's intended purpose. I'm actually going to be documenting events in my life! ahahaha, things are just too great not too. For starters, I finally asked Arlene to formal! She gave me a half yes half I can't go because I live out of town. But we come to a comprimise to hang out wednesday. Which is pretty fucking awesome! Hurray for me a legitemate date with an exceptional girl. Then in an awesome foreshadow of death, I became 19. Wow the bar can mix some great drinks. Plus I didn't have to pay a dime for all my drinks. I got to wear a funny hat at the moose and took a shot of something(it was weak). Had a good time with family then I wait for friends to show up and had even more fun. On a side note Emily and I are starting to get along better. For a while it we had some pretty heated incidents and we were getting rather irritated with each other. But whatever was creating friction is pretty much gone. I haven't yet decided if I want to go to formal a but i'm seriously concidering it, as many of my friends are still going. I had fun last year and I don't doubt i'll have fun this year as well. Plus it would be pretty cool to hance(a combination of hobble and dancing). Ahahaha, that brings me to my next event. My sprained ankle. People thought it was broken from how swollen and bruised it was. Bunch of pansies telling me to go to emerge. Cause of them I missed a history test and had to write it today along side another massive test we wrote. My brain was so full of history garbage it wasn't enviromentally friendly. I call it garbage because it wasn't about war. There are however something that are sort of troubling me. One is this ego inflation i'm getting from Arlene being intrested in me. This then makes me worry that she doesn't like arrogant, chauvanistic(check defintion for what I actually mean) people. In turn I get paranoid that she's going to stop liking me and then further reinforce that i'm going to be alone for a very long time. Life's fun, even when it's dealing a whole serving of bullshit you can always find a piece or two of corn to make your day alittle better.
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