Damn You Myspace!

Rawr! I hate gayspace/myspace/noobspace/whorespace/lamespace w/e you wanna call it WITH A PASSION! It's a site ALL based around the sole purpose of eachothers looks, and for horny ppl to meet other horny ppl. And like when im out with my friends and wer taking pictures, the first thing they say "OHH TAKE A PICTURE OF THAT SO I CAN PUT IT ON MY MYSPACE!" and when you first getting to kno someone one of the First fucking questions you will probally get asked is... "do you have a myspace" It makes me want to punch babies :( SitD is great, and I love it! Especially before myspace was so popular, there were a huge amount of ppl on this site, and everyone just wanted to write about stuff, and get comments that made you happy :) And you got to interact with ppl, thru getting to kno them emotionally. Not thinking they have large breasts, so you send them a comment. I say Scott and I Bomb myspace.... Anyone else despise myspace and how it's taking over the fucking world?! btw... I heart Chloe ! +edit+ ZOMG I GOT A KITTY!!!!!!! ZOMG zomg ZOMG zomg GO pet it! ITS SO FUCKING AWESOME YAY!
Read 30 comments
thats funny because one of my best friends works and shpos there and she absolutely loves the used like she listens to them everyday and i think its weird because its like shes all hardcore now but wears preppy clothes its so confusing
So what grade are you in now? 8th like me? Coincidence if so.

Oooookay...well Im gonna go on MySpace now...Just Kidding..

I can handle both
but I see your point about MySpace.
I hate when old men message me asking what im wearing, it creeps me out.
SitD is better. no old men allowed.
psst pick up your cell phone
I like MySpace and SitD. I found SitD about 2 years ago and love it...but I have to admit, Myspace is nifty tooooo..
Comment back if you like.

You know how i know your gay? your dick tastes like shit
Gabreil you moocher i am the slut puncher i goto them then im like hey lady your wearing a miniskirt and then when they show there slutty herpes lips to kiss me i punch them and ummm yea then i call the INS and i steal there licese and they get owned kthxbye?
well my schedule is pretty empty so of course id go punch sluts with you lol thats such a funny thing to say
so um you punch sluts there would be a lot of girls and boys for that matter bruised by you in my school lol just kidding but i really love that kitty pic
i got i new picture..so ill dance with you now!!

i cant im tryin to put up a new picture.
lol...i do that anyway....
lol....just kidding i usualy hug ppl after i mosh with them....
idont i think it would be better to mosh high...becuz i dont really know wut i dont and ill just hit and not give a shit..lol..

-danielle(buti dont know ive never moshed high)
i made a new entry.....

lol...ok ok....no ninjas!!!
HA. i petted it. its cute.
i added you bt-dub.
Gabriel I wuv you.....
gabbbbbbbyyyyy! merry xmas! since i have a phone now you have to call me once in a while ! i like to feel loved! =D
lol and MOVIE NIGHT TUESDAY! i cant wait ♥
the kitty is hott like really really hott lol
no no no!!

did u not read the not literaly tihng as in not screw but kinda forget aobut
what were u and matt wondering???
alright, idk what this ryan shit is about. matt again? why? does he like her? idkk about thatt.

and i didnt really delete it. i just blah deleted all the codes.RAAA i dont wanna get into it.

im going to go get a kitty now. YOU HAVE TO PET IT THOUGH. :]

i did pet your kittie!!!
ILL HELP YOU BOMB MYSPACE!! even tho i have one... its like evil... its like when your on a drug and you REALLY REALLY wanna get off the drug BUT THE DRUG KEEPS SUCKING YOU BACK IN WITH THE COMMENTS AND THE MESSAGES AND YEA!
its the devil...... DIE!
n e wayz you have to read the crap on my sitD =D! and if you cant remember my pw ill tell you laterz
dat was me down there
okkk so it was kidna aobut ryan but we can all pretnd its aobut matt...no wait we cant lols jaykay
mariana says hi!
and i love sitD
i know exactly how you feel all of my friends are like you really need to get a myspace but myspace is the devil and id rather not put a sad black and white low cut shirt picture of myself for everyone and their mom to see
lol...thats kewl..

-danielle -meow-