great fucking day!!!!!

Feeling: euphoric
I went to work despite the fact that I didn't want to go anywhere but a damn magic tournament. I ended up getting off after only two hours so I couldn't make it the tournament, but my friend got off at the same time as me. I left with him got fried at his house then went back to work cause he wanted food. After that I went to my friend's house that gave me her address monday. I found out she got high so I fried my mind some more. yay :). After we got blitzed and watched some anime she fucked my brains out :). Never expected that to happen. Then she told me she had a boyfriend so that was the first and last time because I will not be with someone that is taken. I wouldn't want it done to me so I refuse to do that to anyone except one person. I hate one person and would just like to see him suffer. anyway I am at one of my hangin spots called orctech. It is this really cool gaming place that i go to from time to time. I feel so good tonight, but soon I have to walk home cause that is where my car is. Vampiregoddess used my header on her most recent entry and thats cool it is supposed to be passed on thats why I dont know who said it first. I love getting comments from all of you so keep them coming. I really don't have anything else to say so goodnight all. SMOKE WEED EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Read 7 comments
Thanks :D

and, yesss.. same here... and the money thing too.. and I never have money.. lol
But we have more fun, 'cause it wasnt just GIVEN to us, we got to EXPERIENCE they *way* to ... get it... given... to us.... or whatever.. I think... bahhh I dont know.... lol
............................... mm.... weed......................
I am really glad that someone has respect for other people! It's nice to hear that people won't get involved with another person who is taken....sorry I got my heart bashed against a wall because of it and now I think it's been a year and I am just getting over it...kinda pathetic really
ha ha I don't know t I don't thithat I am ugly. He's only dating me because I'm "pretty"
Hmm, cat? Not really. Damn women. :P

suggestion: you should start doing meth. fuck weed. if you want to do a drug, DO A DRUG.

kidding. gosh.

&&& rock paper scissors is where it's at. plus guess who. you know it.
Hahah, indeed.
Afroman = love.
Especially that song. :D