*~02~*The Voice Indside My Head

Feeling: hollow
I like this song, don't diss it, it has cool lyrics :p Anyways, back to the purpose of this Thing. How many times can one talk to themselves/ people in their head/ imaginary people they can ‘see’ before it becomes to the point where one should call a doctor? I don't think it is safe to leave me alone, not when I talk to myself more than I have my Drama teacher. (Incase no one has noticed, my drama teacher (Mr. Matwichuk) and the majority or his Drama students are on close terms in which they talk about anything from purple flying monkeys to sex and pregnancy) Mr. M. said that we needed to have a talk. He said that it’s not good that if I could have any none money related wish I would be stumped. He said that it’s not alright that I don't tell people my deepest secrets. He said that I should talk to people. He said I should talk to him. He said that we needed to have a talk. He hasn’t said anything to me. And every time I think back to what he said, just reminds me that no matter what I say, I'm not as alright as I said. But I'm glad I have this. My little online diary where no one can pry and poke, no one can read it of importance, and the important people I do let read it (Chelsey and Crystal :D) they know better than to ask me. They know that if I have a problem I need help with I will ask them. They know…..does it matter what they know? Does it matter what he said? Does it matter what I will do? Can do? Won’t do? Say? See? Hear? Feel? Feel…..feel…………feel. I want to feel I can feel what I don't want to, secretly wanting to. So does that mean that when I say I want to feel what I cant, I secretly don't want to feel them? Yes…that sounds right……I want to be numb…. I want to pass you all by without a second glance. All of your stares and remarks and burning eyes, always piercing my soul. Burning eyes in the back of my head Pierce my soul and wish me dead Oooers, I rhymed. I love to rhyme. And read. I love to read. So I can leave this world and join my own. And I must admit a guilty pleasure….it would have to be…..Harry Potter. There I said it, I like to read Harry Potter! And if you don't like it you can go fuck a duck :P but you know what I love even more!!! Harry Potter fanfiction! I know, I know, I have no life, no hobby, no determination to make a fresh start. To come out of my shell, my safe Haven and make everything ‘ok’. The voices come back when the books and stories leave, when there is nothing for me to read. And they are not always pleasant. Not always good and happy. Not always…I don't know, they are just not….right? So…. I have to have a talk. I have to become numb. I have to disappear in a world ……not at all my own Lets go back, back to the begining......
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