I woke up this morning all excited that tomorrow is the first day of world cup. Then I hear this HORRID NEWS: RONALDO IS SICK Yes, Brazil's forward, is SICK. I was quite devastated. I made a podcast about the world cup, my predictions, "world-class" HILARIOUS news, and other stuff. I'm not sure if I'm going to post it though. I don't like my voice in it too much.
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Long time no see, SitDiar-ee.

Feeling: alright
There are days when I forget who I am. And as strange as that sounds, it's actually happened. I'll be sitting in class, and I'll be like..who are these people? Like I know their names, but.I.know.nothing.about.them. Speaking of class, my presentation was a sucess. I got so many compliments...that I'm actually starting to think Speech Class did something for me. Just got me used to talking in front of people, even if I didn't really learn any techniques, etc. You just have to know your information, and not make power-points so boring. And also, have props. No one wants to look at just a powerpoint. And on powerpoints, include: LOTS OF PICTURES. I can't believe how many compliments I got. I'm amazed and delighted that I got to educate some people about Islam. Thing that they didn't know, since our history teachers are obviously incoherent, and clearly hardcore2damax Conservatives. Anyway. I have a burning desire to meet new people. Hankins was talking about the movies he watched as a childhood. I can't remember. I was never interested in TV and Movies, THAT MUCH. I guess I inheritted that from my mom. She hates the movie theatre. My dad doesn't mind them, really. There's no way I would miss HP 4, though. That was amazing. Mike Newell is very artsy. I like Alfonso Cuaron better. But this atleast had an easier to understand plot...even if it was WAY off. Like beyond belief. I'm not an immense fan of rap. But I have to tell everyone to listen to Fort Minor. I love what they say, and it's amazing. Ever since I've been working soccer free-styling, I've listened to hip hop. It's easier to free-style to hip hop. Last week, some kids from the neighboring town over-dosed. Dusty actually knows them. One of his friends died, the other is in the hospital for taking 60 Klonopins. I'm not so much sorry for them, as I am him. He's a good guy..even if he doesn't make the greatest judgement. Those kids, if they want to commit suicide, they should've done it right. What were they thinking? Cowards. They clearly didn't want to die THAT bad. I spoke to Lovitt yesterday. It's been 3 years since he moved away. We never talked much after he moved. And last year, I didn't talk to him at all. Except like twice on the phone..where nothing was said, and Anna Maria overruled the conversation by being unreasonably annoying. Afterwards, I reflected on our 10-minute small-talk. What else do you say to your best friend? I can't even say that any more. We used to define platonic friendship. Now we don't even define friends. I want to know everything about him, now. I want to know how much he's changed. I wmiss him so much, I cried about it last night. How emo is that? But I don't even care what the trends say about this. Haha, I'm nearing tears again. And I have no one to tell this to. Because everyone who knew him, never knew him like I did. Sure, some people cry because he was their boyfriend. "The best boyfriend I ever had." But he wasn't a boyfriend. He was a best friend. I find my self sub-consciouly judging all my other friends by his standards. I'm still searching for him in someone else. And it's ridiculous. I lost my humour, because of this. I found no inspiration to make anyone but him laugh. I dwell on my regrets that I didn't spend enough time with him before he was moving, because I was a coward. I was beyond cowardly. Now, I spend no time with any of my friends. Partially because I have no means of transportation, (I failed my permit test today. This is strike one.) and the other part, because I just don't want to hang out with anyone that bad. Then..there's Derek. Sometimes he reminds me of Lovitt. He doesn't talk much, he's pretty hilarious, and he loves video games. And he's intelligent. AndI can spend 2 hours on the phone with him, and talk about nothing in particular, and make weird noises and be entertained. I miss Lovitt's insight. I want an iPod. Not a nano. They're way too small. But the iPod minis on Amazon are like 399.99. I don't want a 40gb video/picture one, either. I don't want a shuffle. It's too small, too. Not enough storage anyway. I'm going to try eBay.
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Cody: Cody means sexy fucking sex in egyptian me: does it really? Cody: well Cody: it must Cody: if my parents named me cody me: you were an ugly, pink, bloody little child me: how would they know Cody: I came out in a golden robe Cody: I came out liek that so no blood could get on me Cody: then i pulled out another clean one Cody: and put it on and im like what bitches Cody: and them my dad and mom are like Cody: oh well we have to call him sexy fucking sex Cody: and my moms like Cody: well i heard thats cody for short in egypt Cody: and there ya go me: the story of your name Cody: i should write a god damn book about my life Cody: i could call it Cody: bullography Cody: autobullography Cody: my synopsis would be like Cody: dont read this its all bullshit
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Cat pee speaks.

Because we all know, when the cat pee speaks, that it is most definitley true. My mom can strip an AK-47 blindfolded. Yeah, she can. I'm going to tape it one day. Actually, one day, I'll find an AK, stick on the ground randomly. And have her walk by it...and then I'll wear a top-hat, with a well hidden camera in it, and video-tape everything she does. Then I'll sell it on e-bay and be like, MOTHER WITH AK-47. I have to tell you this story. My cousin lives in Philly right? And no offense to my fellow black-friends, but Philadelphia is dominantly black, right? So my cousin Kareem, up until he was 5, thought he was black. No joke. He's not black. He's middle eastern. The conversation went something like this: Aunt Jill: Kareem, you're not black. Kareem: -shocked look- What!? But we're from Africa aren't we! Aunt Jill: No, but your uncle Hussein is from Egypt. -all his black friends stare at him- Kareem: You ruined it, mom. l.m.f.a.o Also, did I tell yo about how my dad, being from Egypt, and when asked for his race on an application or something, he'd put "African-American." And one day, someone decides, that's not right. So they argue with him, and its like Person: You're not African-American. Dad: Yes I am, I'm from Egypt. Person: But you're not black. Dad: I'm more African than half of these African-Americans! Another laughter-fest. I just found those hilariously funny. And a disclaimer: I like black people. I have black friends. This is just a joke. And I love you!! <33 Also, the big hole in our backyard, previously filled with mud, has now been filled with water, and surrounded by sand. We're progressing much.
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Listening to: DDR MUSIC!
Feeling: zonked
So I was reffing this game the other day.. And this little girl, no older than 10, starts flipping out when this girl hit her elbow. She started stomping her feet, and waving her hands around crazily. She wanted me to call it as a foul. Instead, "Stop dancing, this is not ballet," was exchanged After the game, she was talking to her teammate and goes, "I'm not going to shake THAT referee's hand. She didn't call my fouls." I laughed a lot. Yeah, I couldn't think of anything else to update with. My comedy and insightfullness has deteriorated to the shameful point in which...there is none. Oh yes, Odana, Josh Smith, Alex, and I took a vow of silence for 24 hours. For no apparent reason. Not for the homosexuals...or anything. Josh lasted til...he woke up. Alex totally forgot. I lasted 11 hours and 48 minutes, until Mrs.Schamp started harassing me about a website I was on. And Odana kinda gurgled "here", in 1st block...we exempted that. Then the herd came over and started talking smack, and I suck at comebacks, so she talked. We exempted that as well...only because it was the herd and it'd taken then 2 weeks to finally talk to us. So yeah...Tuesday is officially, "Take-a-vow-of-silence-for-the-sake-of-having-a-reason-to-not-answer-questions-in-classes-and-the-teachers-can't-disresepct-your-vow-and-to-just-see-if-you-can-do-it Day". According to Josh and Alex. Anyone wanna join us?
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Cry Emo Kid!

There needs to be separate journal spaces for angsty emo kids. Like seriously. Go around to every journal-site. LJ, GJ, sitDiary, blogspace, and what not. Everyone thinks their life is so fucked up. NEWS FLASH! Its not! You obviously don't listen to the news. Um, hello? Tsunami? Those people's lives are fucked up. Put that razor down, and stop asking for attention. Grow your hair out, and get that nasty black dye out of it. Grow your hair out..ITS THE 60s ALL OVER AGAIN! Not really. I don't know what that has to do with anything. But GLAH. Open your windows, and rip off the curtains. The world doesn't revolve around you. Sure, there's the occasional person with the fucked up life. But seriously. Not EVERYONE's life is effed up. Then again...if everyone realized their lives weren't as fucked up as they would psychiatrists make their money? People get out and APPRECIATE what you have. Don't cry about what you don't have. Cry that you've been graced enough to have what you have. Damn..I sound like a minister or something. Whatever. My point was made. . [edit] Emphasis on the there's the occasional person with the fucked up life. part of my entry that some people seem to be overlooking.
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Eddie Izzard is my hero.

The Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction is an amazing game, with an amazing soundtrack. You have no idea how obsessive I've gotten with this game. I actually relate everyday life to the NK, SK, RM, and Allies. Also, Metal Gear Acid has an amazing theme song. So does Cowboy Bebop. And I found this Mortal Kombat techno remix. WTF it's the greatest thing ever. Number one. This background is so old. I don't even remember when I put it up. And now, it would get the title of "emo". Wow, this is so old. I'm actually too lazy to change it. Bear with me, kiddies. What else is there. Asymptotes suck, okay guys? A LOT. Bad dog does exist. Person: "Bad dog! Bad dog! Stole a biscuit! Bad dog! Stole all the contents of the table! Bad dog!" Dog: "Who are you to judge me? You humans, you have genocide, and wars against races, and skins, and breeds. AND I STOLE A BISCUIT? I tried to survive! IS THIS A CRIME?" Person: "You've got a point there. Here have another biscuit."
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Metalheads and Carrots

I found veggie dip and carrots in my backpack two days ago. I don't know how it got there. The veggie dip turned yellow. And the carrots. We ate them. I know how AIDS came to be. Some homosexual had sex with 3000 guys. Contracted an STD everytime he had sex. And then having all the STDs, they mutated. And now we have AIDS! Okay, so thats not true. Nor is the "a gay man had sex with a monkey" shindig. Asta la vista doggie.
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I'm such an effing nerd. I just like advertise bands for the hell of it. HAR HAR. Yeah, so in other news... I'm going to take a poop on your a diarrhea poop. Not really. Okay..really. Ever wondered how mermaids were made? I shall provide something wroth reading in the days to come. As for now...128 days left until Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince comes out! HELL YEAH. Anyone else as psyched as I am? Frikin pre-ordered..right here! BOGiES!
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Scenes from a Movie

Everyone go to DADDARIO CONTEST And vote for Scenes from a Movie. For the "Best Band You've Never Heard of"!! You can take my word on their greatness. OR you can listen to them, be like, "WHOA!" and vote for them. Then...go there and just listen to their AWESOME SONGS! And voting will begin soon! And of course no one wants to listen to my babbling about the awesomeness...SO!
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Time and Distance, the band. With the guy that Corinne's sister is signed by THE SAME RECORD LABEL that THRICE got signed to!!! Isn't that brilliant!!! There's some actual talent in West Virginia!! I'm so excited for them. They, and Scenes from a Movie.. Inspire me so much. They make me wish I had a musical talent!
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