3 a.m.

This feelin' in my stomach and I don't even know why. Droppin' the bricks and they're weighing me down. And as usual this time your all drugged out and looking at me through bloodshot eyes. So I guess it doesn't matter what will be said anyways, because it won't mean a thing tomorrow when we all pretend to forget it. And its 3 o clock in morning sitting out on manda's roof sharing a blanket. I hate when your words get jumbled and I never really understand what you are trying to say to me. YOur words come out, but your so out of it- they might as well stay in. And at moments like these, I feel like the only one who making anysense. INside you share the couch and kick my face. Hog the blanket, then kick my face. take the foot rest, then kick me off the couch. Didn't want to, but i was cold- I took the bed- 'cause you took the couch. surprise at 4 in the morning when your crawling in next to me. I don't want to be this close, it makes me feel guilty inside. i'm so close to the edge of the bed, falling of is such a reality. And I feel like your closely closing in on me, and there's no way out because i'm pinned against a wall. Felt you touch me, then wished you would blow away. And after falling asleep you wake and are so surpised to find me there. I hate you sometimes. Your always putting me into these positions that could get me into trouble. troubled, as always.
Read 2 comments
Understanding lies within your open-ness to it.

It's no use controlling your boyfriend like you are. It will all eventually end up drivel.
Hey thanks for the nice comment. Hearing a kind word now and then really helps get you out of a bad mood.