A Whole Cup Full Of Nothing

Feeling: frozen
"Love is not like anything, especially a fucking knife" I really don't know how I'm feeling actually, I feel a deep sadness that I lost my sister, but relieved that I finally told the truth about how I feel, it was killing me to pretend anymore, how can I love someone like that? How can she expect me to? Would you love someone that rubs how much money they have in your face every chance you get, meanwhile knowing what you go home to, how little money you have, jesus at one point I couldn't even afford to buy myself toliet paper, how am I supposed to love someone who spends god knows how much on his slut to buy her a fucking snowboard for christmas!??!? like WHAT THE FUCK!!!! How am I the bad guy?! I'll play her badguy, just so she can live out her teenage melodramatic life, that's fine, I have Luke, when I don't have Luke anymore, I'll have the gun. That's all the comfort I really need, everything I have dreamed about since I was 12, all coming together in one beautiful piece of metal, and I finally will have what I have always wanted. God, I'm fucked. Oh well. We all die right?!
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cute diary!