
Feeling: crampy
I seriously hope we have a 2 hr delay tomorrow. I bet we dont because the f'ing salt trucks have gone up and down the road at least 15 times tonite! GRRR!! Well lets see what I did this weekend: *Saturday* Went to Pats for Nick's birthday. His family from Rochester was there. We watched the Beaver Falls/Aliquippa game. Best game I ever saw. Then we played poker for like an hour and half. So boring, but me and pat won! Yeah! Then I went home *Sunday* Went to SRU to GloStock 3. It was okay except some of the bands sorta sucked! This band called Orphan was horrible. There one song was called 'Murder your Parents and Kill your Brother'. Thats when we decided to tour Slippery Rock. Then we got a demo of them and their one song talked of slitting Christ throat. Horrible! It was actually repulsive. Had I known thats what it was I probably woulda threw it back in their face! About an hour later Aurora (Norge's band) came on! THEY ROCKED! I loved them!!! Dr.Glo goes before the band anyone here practice Safe sex? No one answered! WoW thats sort of disturbing! Then he handed out glow in the dark condoms! Nice! I seriously love Aurora! Then afterwards Pat came to my house and we had pizza and wings. Then I got the WORST cramps and he went home. Not that you need to know this but this week has seriously been the worst. I have had killer cramps. I've been doubled over. Anywho..thats my weekend!
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OMG!I used to go out with Dr. Glo when he was just Glo.He is so crazy. Takes hundreds/thousand of pictures with girls & puts them all up in his room.