
How come it seems whenever you start to cry, even for the stupidest reason, you can't stop?
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I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.I'm sorry.
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Don't lie to me. That's one thing I cannot stand. Even if your just messing with me. Don't lie to me.
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I dont know

I want to help so bad. But I don't know what I can do. I try. I try to make things better. I try to say things that will help. I don't know what I can do. I listen. I won't leave. I try to get that through. I don't know! I hate that. Why can't things just be good. I want her to be happy so bad. I don't know what I can do anymore.
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MMM I dont know.I think I'm losing my mind. Maybe it's just this week. Seems like nothing is going good. School sucks, Amber left, home stuff and just I dont even know. I just don't feel good. I can't even explain exactly how I feel or even why. Maybe I'm overwhelmed with stuff. I guess Cause half the time I feel like crying. I dunno I guess it will pass? I'll stop complaining.
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I think I may go to homecoming. That is if Nikki and Lenore go and/or I have date. Which means I have to get a dress and I haven't worn/bought one for like 4 years. So I think I'll need help with that. Oh and I think I like R.J?
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Ugh I dunno Alot of stuff sucks Oh yeah and Sheldon IMed me last night and I don't know why? mmm whatever.
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Ugh school is starting soon and I have alot of shit to do but of course all I do is sit around and not get anything done, well it is partially my parents fault.... still no car and mom is sleeping and dad is working. I hate sitting around though, I need a life I guess. I will get a job in two months since the video store is now hiring so they better be in two months too. Uhmm I guess I could write more but that would take a long time because I guess I have alot to write kinda? "and even when your hope is gone, move along move along just to make it through"
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So uh maybe I lied a little in the last entry about the whole thing with Sheldon.. I don't know though? But yea ok well I guess Kayla is kinda trying to hook me up with some kid.. or I dunno he's gonna hang out with us tuesday I guess. So hopefully he actually is cute like she says. Hmm school is starting soon which i s bad and good I guess. Some classes look like they will suck plus some I might not have good friends in them and one of my lunches too. But yea I hope this year goes well... maybe I'll go to homecoming or something? Dunno yet.
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So I've officially decided I'm done. Done with Him (Sheldon) I don't care anymore. I'm sick of everything with that situation or whatever. I'm moving on. Plus Matt is very cute :) I think I could definetly see myself liking him. Who knows maybe luck will be on my side soon. Oh yeah and today was a very good day Thank you Chey. <3
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