Back 2 school

Yesterday was the first day back to school. My first day of tenth grade. Frank might still get commander posirtion so yah. My classes are pretty good so far.
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My Summer was ok. The usual stuffs. I went up to see my Dad. Hey you know what? My diary is like a year old. Remember last year when I was complaining about getting a physical thingie for volley ball. So I'm going into the tenth grade and I got loads of clothes. Weird thing ios a lot of it is pink. Frank and Grandma made me get a skirt. I went to see some sites and all that. I got to go up to New York to see West Point. Grandma kept bugging me about how I should see other guys at my age not just Frank. She kept going and going and going and it was getting on my nerves a little because I really love Frank.Well see ya space cowboy. Random word: Plot
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Senior Graduation

Our new commander didn't tell us when we had to be at the graduation so we went at six and hour before it started. Only we were an hour late and colonel was mad. We explained that nobody told us when to be there and that we should have been informed by our commander only I guess since Frank wants to be commander colonel though Frank was trying to overthrow him by telling him that so he told us to turn in our uniforms next week and that we're not allowed to be in JROTC next year. We had to plea with him to get him to belueve us and we got the rest of color gaurd to inform him on how uninformed we were so we get to stay in JROTC and keep our uniforms. After it was over we were putting up the flags and I walked through a doorway but Frankie told me to stop so I did but the guy behind me didn't so he accidentally jabbed me with the pointy tip of the flag pole. I'm ok but it hurt a lot and made me cry. Random word- Weasel
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It's been awhile...

I havn't been on in a long time. Franks been really cranky. I think he's going to stop it makes me feel bad when he's like that. Chris Aubright gets to be color gaurd commander so Frank autamatically hates him since that was supposed to be his position. So yah there's a reason he's been like he has.
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My weekend

We had a drill meet and got second over all and color gaurd got third. Anyways after the meet somebody on raider team hit a girl on drill team and there was a whole big fight. Then our bus broke down. Then my friend Amanda accidentally overdosed on pain killers for her headache and fainted into a seizure so Frank leaped over me and freaked out over her and First SGT made us all exit out of the emergency exit and they checked her out and they kept calling Frank over which made me feel bad on the following reasons: 1. Amandas his Ex and I have a feeling she still likes him and he flipped out over her. 2. They kept getting him away from me and I was cold! 3. I cried because of it. 4. Amanda is treating her body bad all the time anyways i.e not eating. I dunno any other reasons but it hurt. So the ambulance came and took her away and we had to wait about two hours for another bus. My mom is being yelly today but she always yells and it makes me feel bad like mentally abused or something because she's always yelling at me and Chris for stupid reasons and paying more attention to Bobby and Tyler. She never does anything school related with me and when I show her something I'm proud of she's all," Ok." and if Bobby wins something she flips out over it and everything. Frank suspects its favoriteism because my mom and Dad divorced and my mom got me and Chris then my mom remarried and had Bobby and Tyler and Frank thinks because she hates my Dad her feelings go onto us and Yah... So My weekend was awesome...not!
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If your birthday is on...... December 23rd - January 1st = Red January 2nd - January 11th = Orange January 12th - January 24th = Yellow January 25th - February 3rd = Pink February 4th - February 8th = Blue February 9th - February 18th = Green February 19th - February 28th = Brown March 1st - March 10th = Aqua March 11th - March 20th = Lime March 21st = Black March 22nd - March 31st = Purple April 1st - April 10th = Navy April 11th - April 20th = Silver April 21st - April 30th = White May 1st - May 14th = Blue May 15th - May 24th = Gold May 25th - June 3rd= Cream June 4th - June 13th = Grey June 14th - June 23rd = Maroon June 24th = Grey June 25th - July 4th = Red July 5th - July 14th = Orange July 15th - July 25th = Yellow July 26th - August 4th = Pink August 5th - August 13th = Blue August 14th - August 23rd = Green August 24th - September 2nd = Brown September 3rd - September 12th = Aqua September 13th - September 22nd = Lime September 23rd = Olive September 24th - October 3rd = Purple October 4th - October 13th = Navy October 14th - October 23rd = Silver October 24th - November 11th = White November 12th - November 21st = Gold November 22nd - December 1st = Cream December 2nd - December 11th = Grey December 12th - December 21st = Maroon December 22nd = Teal AQUA Your feelings change suddenly and easily. You are always lonely, and like traveling. You are truthful, but listen and believe other people too easily. It's hard to find love for you, and get lost in love easily, sometimes get hurt by love. BLACK You are challenging, and have the "guts". But you don't like changes in your life. And once you make a decision, you keep it that way for a long time. Your love life is also challenging, and different. BLUE You may have low self-esteem, and can be very picky. You are artistic and like to fall in love, but you let your love pass by, by loving with your mind, not your heart. BROWN You are active and sportive. It's hard for other people to become close with you, but you fall in love easily. But once you find out you can't get something, you give up and let go easily as well. CREAM Competitive and sportive. Don't like losing and always cheerful! You are trustworthy, and very out going. You choose love carefully, and don't fall in love easily. But once you find the right one, you don't let go or a long time. GOLD You know what's right and what's wrong. You are cheerful and outgoing. It's hard for you to find the one you want, but once you find the right person, you won't be able to fall in love again for a long time. GREEN You get along well with new people. You are not really a shy person, but sometimes you can hurt people's feelings by your words... You like to be loved and noticed by your lover, but mostly you are single, waiting for the right person. GREY You are attractive, and active. You never hide your feelings, and express everything that's inside. But can be selfish at times. You want to be noticed, and don't like to be treated unequally. You can brighten up people?s day. You know what to say at the right time, and you have a good sense of humor. LIME You are calm, but easily stressed out. You get jealous easily, and complain over little things. You can't get stuck into one thing, but you have a capable personality for everyone to trust you and like you. MAROON You are intelligent, and know what's right. You like to make things go your way, which can sometimes cause trouble for not thinking about other people's feelings. But you be patient when it comes to love... Once you get a hold of the right person, it's hard for you to find a better love. ORANGE You are responsible for your own actions, and you know how to treat people. You always have goals to reach and you really work hard to get there, you are competitive. Your friends are really important to you and you appreciate what you have, you sometimes over react that's because you are sensitive. NAVY You are attractive, and love your life. You have a strong feeling towards everything. And very easily distracted. Once you get angry at someone, its hard for you to forgive them. OLIVE You are warm and light hearted. You seem to flow well with Friends and family. You don't like violence and know what's right. You are kind and cheerful, but don't envy other people easily. PINK You are always trying your best in everything, and like to help and care for other people. But you are not easily satisfied. You have negative thoughts, and you look for romantic love like in a fairytale. PURPLE You are mysterious, never selfish and get interested in things easily. Your day can be sad or happy depending on your mood. You are popular between friends but you can act stupid at times, and forget things easily. You go for a person that's trustworthy. RED Cute and lovable type, you are picky but always in love... and liked to be loved. Fresh and cheerful, but can be "moody" at times. Capable with people nice, soft, and that can love you for the way you are. Likes people that are easy to talk to, and can make you feel comfortable. SILVER You are imaginative and fun, you love trying new things. You like to challenge yourself and you learn things easily, you're easy to talk to and you give good advice. When comes to friendship, you find it hard to trust someone, but once you find the right friend, you trust them forever. TEAL You are mostly interested in your looks. And have high standards in picking love. You think and make a solution precisely, and hardly make stupid mistakes. You like to lead, and it is easy for you to make new friends. WHITE You dream and have goals in your life. You get jealous easily and you don't react to things easily. You are different and sometimes weird, but everyone loves that in you. YELLOW You are sweet and innocent. Trusted by many people, and have a strong leadership towards relationships. You make good decision and make the right choice at the right time. And always dreaming of romantic relationship. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
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First Place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We got first place. Our color gaurd team was better then the other teams from that college place. We had a few errors (My bootyful vocabulary LOL) Kim's sling came undone and the rifle muzzle (Ha Reese I learned that one!) hit the ground but we fixed it and it was just a faulty equipment. We rule. Our whole team from GC got second place over all. Fludd was actually nice. Weirdo. We were cracking jokes with him and he helped us when we were practicing. I hate Starr. Bill spot reported him for disrespect and first sgt called him and Reese an Asswhole. LOL. Our company got 695 demerits which is why they are both bad words (Shhh!) LOL.
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Drama team...I mean color gaurd

Well we had another lecture on our behavior in color gaurd. Apparently we hate each other and need to get over ourselves. LOL but its all straight now. Geeze and they said Drill team has too much Drama. ZWe should be on TNT. Their motto is "We know Drama." I watch too much Law and Order.
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So I was talking to Frank on the phone today and he was cleaning his room and he tells me he found a note from Amanda that he wants to keep because its his first note. But she's not his first true love right so why keep it? It shouldn't be that important to him. I mean he loves me, not her right? Ugh! You don't see me keeping all the notes Hobie wrote to me do you? I dunno.
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Fly away.

I feel as if I should fly to the stars and look down upon the beautyful Earth so decietful. I will gaze down and cry from the lonelyness of my heart. Care to join me? ...Amanda? Amanda too? What ever happened to me and you? Samantha and Amanda but mostly Samantha? Well I dunno.
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Whats your name? Samantha How old are you? 15 Where were you born? Virginia Beach Virginia What province do you live in? i live in a What color eyes do you have? Blue What color hair do you have? Brown How tall are you? 5'6 or four or one of 'em How much do you weigh? Too much. Like 129? Do you have any peircings (if so where)? Ears Any tatto's? Nope What nationality are you? all american **[[Favorites]]** Favorite food? Tacos Favorite drink? Coke Favorite scent? swiss army Favorite movies? Shrek Favorite type of music? pretty much anything Favorite bands/musicians? too many to list Favorite songs? Unwell Favorite color? purple Favorite name for a boy? Joey Favorite name for a girl? Emily Favorite show? That 70's show Favorite sport? soccer Favorite actor? ? 0.o' Favorite actress? o.0' Favorite word? Okies Favorite friend(s)Kimmy! Favorite candy? Skittles **[[This or that in the opposite sex]]** Fat or skinny? Skinny. Mine is skinny so I have to say that. long hair or short hair? short...gotta be clean cut Brown hair or blonde hair? Blonde. Blonde guys are hot. Light eyes or dark eyes? Light Taller or shorter? taller Like mine... Good heart or good looking? Good heart Preppy or Skater? skater Ghetto or Gothic? ghetto Athletic or lazy? Athletic Ditsy or intelligent? either Just as long as I have some one to look stupid with and help me with other stuff. **[[This or that random]]** Love or lust: love Hollister or AE: Huh? Emo or Metal:emo Pink or black: pink blink 182 or simple plan: simple plan Metallica or Black Sabbath: ? My Chemical romance or the used: My chemical ramance Senses fail or the brand new: ? Half empty or half full: half full Skittles or starburst: Skittles VCR or dvd player: DVD Cassette or cd: CD Math or science: Science Dog or cat: dog Big or small: Big. Book or movie: Books are usually better but movies take up less intellectual parts in meh brain. Converse or flip flops: flip flops Summer or fall: summer **[[Are you...]]** Fat: Um...I guess I'd be average? Ugly: Only when I first wake up. Pretty:I guess? Funny: Depends on my mood Boring: Never! Nice: I'm naughty. ~.0 Mean: To my brothers only. Fake: Nope. Real: Wanna see for yourself? Nope only for Frankie. A good musician: Nah. :P Fashionable: Jeans a hoodie a Tee shirt and my vans. A role model: Naw. I try to influence children to do the bad things. I'm just kidding. Sure to the lil kids around my street. Bi/lez/gay/straight: Straight. Stupid: Only Monday and Wednesday. Smart: When I actually pay attention. Good in school: I dunno. Sure. Well behaved: I dunno... Nice to your parents:I try and avoid them. Depressed: Only when certain people upset me which seems to happen a lot. ADD/ADHD: Naw. I only appear hyper. A good driver: Yup, just not legally. A hard worker: Blah, I'm slack. Popular: I dunno. Geeky: No. I do not qualify in this area. My brother on the other hand... Judgemental: That there is a two dollar word. Opinionated: Yup. **[[Do you like...]]** Rock: kinda... Rap: some Emo: kinda Country: a lil Hollister: Huh? Pac Sun: YES! Abercrombie: I like this one hoodie... but nah, to preppy. Thrift shops: nope Gerard Way: what? Sad songs: No. I feel depressed then. Happy songs: yes Planes: Those are in geometry... HA I WAS PAYING ATTENTION! Ashlee Simpson: Lip sincer!!!!!!! Blonde hair: Only on guys. Brown Hair: yeah red hair: My friend is one and she has a bad temper. Blue eyes: they're the best Green eyes: Only on my Boy friend. brown eyes: Nah. tan skin: yea.. Pale skin: Scary! 0.0 Dark skin: I dunno. Why does skin color matter. Can'[t we all just get along? **[[Random]]** Do you like surveys like this: Too long. Do you think your wasting your time: yup. What time is it: 10:02 pm Who do you like: Frank (Shh! Don't tell anyone.) Why do you like the person you like: He's a good combination with me he's just like me and when I'm getting out of hand he straightens me up. He gives me hope for a bright future. Do you like meat: Me want meat. Do you like cheese: Hells yah! Do you like mash potatoes: Yup yup yuppedy yuppy yuppers **[[Have you ever...]]** Been in love:Yup Been to a concert: yup Been in the hospital: Yup Broke a bone: Fractures count? Been in a fist fight at school: Surprising enough, no. Been suspended: Nope Been out of your state: yup Been grounded: yup Been acused of something you didnt do:Yup Cried because of a bf/gf: yup Lost someone due to death: Yup. **[[What...]]** Time is it now: 10:05 pm Is on tv: The awards show... up the oscars I think? Song is playing: Some slow song by a girl. Are you wearing: Jeans a pink shirt pink hoodie undergarments socks a sticker two rings a watch and a ponytail holder. Time is it:
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My bunny.

// (0.0) C( w ) My bunny named Betsy. Hi Betsy. // >-----> (0.0) Poor c( w ) Betsy. Ow! // >---(X.X) Aw!c( w ) Oopsies. Betsy died. @;- @;- @;- Flowers for Betsy?
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My life....

Weird... I just got my hair cut. I can't decide if its pretty or not... Bleh. So I wake up in the morning way to early. I need to get up at like five tomorrow. Grrrr... we have promotions tomorrow. Gotta look spiffy. Stuart hates Frank... Yah... To many dot dot dots... Grr! I did it again! My computer still lacks internet so I have to use the family one. Its pretty cool. Frank hates his computer. Its not nice to hate... who says we want to be nice? We did sling arms. Kim is better then me. They were all trying to show me but they have problems knowing that I can't learn with more than one person telling me directions. I think Franks a good teacher but I got Chris and he's pretty cool but yah... Speaking of Chris my whole platoon hates him. He's a good guy and I tolde this one girl to be quiet when she was cussing about him so she wanted to beat me up. They are just being jerks. Yah... so my life status is just peachy. Frank ate over. I gave him his birthday presents. He loved them and was very enthusiastic about it. I love you!!! but do try to be more excited and less protective. I'm going to Tenessee this weekend. I don't even think I spelt that right. What ever. So I can't see Frank when he turns lucky number seventeen. Thanks mom for dragging me along. Why do I have to go anyways. No arguing with my mom. She'll bite my head off or something if I say anything. You ever eat spaggetios with cheese. Thats the stuff man. LOL Yah it really is good I eat it all the time but thats just me. I wrote frank like 9 pages worth of notes front and back in three different classes. I have major writers cramp and I'm still going. My hands going to fall of someday. I've got like a blister on my writing finger. I have to go now. Random word: graze
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I'm sorry you all hate me. I dunno maybe I should be less Frank frank frank but I try but I find it difficult paying attention to both my friends and my boy friend. I pay attention to him and everyone thinks I'm a bitch. I pay attention to my friends and he's all: "You act different around your friends." Yah I'm such a loser for only being able to please one person at a time. Yah I know at the pep rally I was chosen over you. I'm sorry. He didn't just do that because I'm his girl friend. I have more expirience there too and you are getting good at that Kim. He made you extra because you started to complain and he forgot that Smith got off step a lot. Its not really hard to be right gaurd at pep rallies. Its like at company except you have flags and you have to wait an extra second before you bring the rifle up. Would it have been so hard to just pick a pot. I know I'm immature bleh... and its probably going to come out that I'm the wrong one and should shut up and go back to my life. I'm sorry.... And the reason I want to go to the mall with you all the time is to spend time with you. Have you noticed its less Frank when we're there? I got a new computer now so as soon as they hook the internet up to it it'll be less of my mom in my buissness. Bye all.
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Sick of this crap

I don't feel good and my gay little brother is being an ass. Oh and my mom told Matt about the hickie found on Frank. They talked to me. She read some of the notes he gave me. This is all crap. She's so nosey. I love Frank and I know I'm to young for some stuff but going through my crap is unacceptible. And always reading my stuff on the computer. I can understand if she was concerned but she should trust me. I told her I wouldn't have sex and she's still suspicious. What does she think? I want AIDs or HIV or any other crap that Frank hasn't been tested for and I'm to young to accudently have anything happen such as a baby. Well life sucks but hopefully it'll get better. I've cried more this year then in all the rest of my life. What a wimp huh? Well I'm tired of it and Frank tells me what my mom does is not right. GTG
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Color gaurd blues

Foster is gone. He got kicked off for cussing out big Hutchinson after he was asked to take off his hood. Then I yelled at the people in color gaurd and helped teach someone flag. I LOVE YOU FRANKIE!!!
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Writing on the wall

In the 800 wing of our school they put up red valentines paper and let the JROTC kids write on it. I wrote Samantha + Frank = Forever twice and Frank put it once but somebody put whipped all over the ones we wrote. Its been going around that I have Frank whipped and I don't like it. Frank won't let me hold him back when he finds out who did it. Siobhan knows who did it but she's been a bitch lately and she won't tell me. She is such a snob. We were standing in formation and she goes , "My ring is prettier then yours." I didn't even say anything to her. And she's not allowed to have a boy friend because her mom says no. She's a goody two shoes stuck up snobby little bitch and she needs to get over herself! Bye guys. Random word: Mayonaise?(Sp?)
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