
so, if anyone who actually reads my page would like somehting new and interesting. i suggest taht you sheck out a story called, headandtrigger. and check out my personal stuff. of my life. which is shit. lol. then you can get to know my personality a bit more. it is under misty. www.sitdiary.net/misty check out my life. and get to know the real cassie.
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so im starting another story. i would really like you to check it out. its called forgetmenot check it out and comment please :) also. check out m poems. daisydreams thanks. love ya all! :)
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Feeling: angry
“Oh, Libby, I’m just so proud of you,” Libby’s mother, Martha, said to Libby while sobbing, “your going off to college and- and- your never going to see me again!” “Mom, don’t cry, you know how I feel about that,” Libby said, “I’m going to visit you know, just as long as I have a reserved seat during Thanksgiving and that I can afford a plane ticket all the way back here.” “I’m sorry, darling. Yes, I know you don’t like to se me cry, but- I’m just so proud of you!” Martha exclaimed sniffling. “Good job, monkey,” Libby’s dad, Drew, said. “You’ve made it through all the forks in the road. Now you just need to focus on your major and you need to do good while in New York!” “I still can’t believe that you made it to New York and I didn’t,” Nathan said. “I had been trying so hard to go anywhere that wasn’t near this god forsaken place.” “Well, maybe if you had kept up your studies and didn’t go sneaking off at night then you would be going to college with your daring sister,” Martha said with a bitter tone. “Yeah, well…” Nathan tried to respond. They kept driving for a good ten minutes until they finally reached Libby’s school. As Libby got out of her car, she was quickly greeted by her two friends Marilyn and Rebecca. The two girls walked up to her, obviously nervous. Rebecca was going to USC and Marilyn was joining Libby in New York.
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Libby woke up to a rocky start this morning. She had overslept and had a total of a half hour to get ready for just about the biggest thing that had ever happened to her in her life so far. She was finally graduating high school. It’s not like Libby had actually liked high school, she had always been the one that people made fun of and who didn’t get along with many people, but she actually had friends unlike the loners. Of course, Libby’s friends weren’t the “coolest” or “most popular” in the school but that is what she liked about them and they weren’t afraid to be different. So as Libby combed her hair, she was thinking about college. It seemed so far away and yet so close. Libby was on the brink of childhood and adulthood. As she thought about this, she turned around to find a picture of Jim; her thoughts cleared away from high school and quickly went to her boyfriend. She knew that both of them had to break it off although they had been postponing the “talk” ever since they got their acceptance letters. He especially didn’t want to break. They had been together for almost two years now and since Jim was Libby’s first boyfriend, they had been inseparable since freshman year. Libby finished doing her hair and make-up, put on her cap and gown, and rushed down stairs already seeing that her parents and older brother Nathan were already down there. The whole family went into the car and drove to Libby’s school.
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